The Besting of Friends
(10-Minute Comedy)
A casual apology over coffee between friends leads to a series of surprising confessions.
Online performances as part of New Works, New Writers 2025, by the Rainy Day Artistic Collective on February 8-9, 2025.
On-stage performances as part of the 2025 Snowdance Comedy Festival by the Over Our Head Players, Racine, Wisconsin, for five weekends beginning February 7, 2025.
Thinking of Elephants
(2-minute comedy)
More than undergarments are exposed when two coworkers have a chance encounter at a laundromat.
Presented on September 7-8, 2023, in the Minnesota Shorts Play Festival of the Merely Players Community Theatre in Mankato, Minnesota. (Though written for a man and a woman, here it’s performed by two women.)
Thinking of Elephants
(10-minute AUDIO PLay)
If two minutes was funny, then ten minutes should be five times as entertaining. (That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it.)
Produced by the Sell Yourself Short podcast, July 2024.
Red-Nosed Drunk
It's Christmas Eve in a dive bar, where Santa's most famous reindeer has a lot to say about "The Big Guy," commercialism, and his role as a holiday icon.
Produced by the Theatrical Shenanigans podcast, December 2024.